Our Travel House

Our Travel House

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May & May Not 5-9-15
The first week of May has already flown bye !!
Our jello plan has been altered again. We may stay on the island thru June. Switching over to out of season rent rates has made staying an attractive option. We're planning on only travelling thru the S.E. States  this summer so since we aren't traversing the USA there's no rush to get on the road. 
We've been keeping pleasantly busy all week. Been doing the “ nesting “ thing with the new to us car. Cleaning, waxing and puttering on it. We soaked the interior with leather cleaner/conditioner and it's much more supple now. Washed & waxed the exterior. Noticed some of the side and rear moulding was rather loose so it got removed, cleaned and reinstalled with 3M trim tape. Getting all the previous glues and tape off the trim was a bit** !! It turned out pretty nice.
I put some tire shine on the wheels and now it looks pretty ! It has a very slight pull to the right so next week it gets a wheel alignment.
We got out to hear some great music last Thursday and had a great park dinner.

Did some exploring East of Cape Coral and saw the J.P. Franklin COE RV park. Nice !!

The resident egret is visiting again.

He doesn't seem too weary of humans and will get within a few feet of us if he sees food ! Such a beautiful bird ! Seeing lots of Ospreys around the island and the dolphin population seems to be doing quite well.
We again are altering our plan on how long we'll be here . Now we're planning on staying thru June. Summer rates are the incentive. We really love this place, can you tell ?
We're having a fish fry tonight. I wonder how many we'll feed this time ?? 
I read a lot of other's blogs and most of them are focused on heading to their summer hangouts. Of course that makes my wanderlust kick into gear but after 4 years of driving from one end of the country to the other I/we decided to cool out this year. Now that we have the car we'll be able to do some touring near the RV parks a little easier. There's plenty to see in the S.E.. 
    Charlie & Heather

1 comment:

  1. Is that car towable or do you have a trailer to haul it on behind the motor-home?
