Our Travel House

Our Travel House

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Corbin, Ky..Cumberland Falls S.P.

Long driving day for only a planned 100+ mile day..we got on the road at 12 today and jogged to Bolling  Green to pick up beer..we won't give up our Happy Hour routine..Can you imagine, in this day and age, living in a dry county. and everyone goes on a 40 mile round trip buy any alchohol ? How archaic!! All ya gotta do is ask anyone where ya go for alcohol and you'll get specific directions..It's no wonder they lost the war down here..we pulled into Cumberland Falls State Park about 4PM and set up quickly. Not hooking up water tonight as the forecast says maybe freezing tonight..we have plenty of H2O onboard til morning..met some fellow campers from Vermont..quite an accent they have!! Should be here for a week or so..hope the drizzlies go away soon..had a leak over the stove this AM after an all night rain..gonna have to start parking on a slant when it rains to run the water off the roof..sounds like a summer repair job coming up..Hope y'all are snug and happy..REMEMBER..LIVE YOUR DREAMS AS TIME GOES BY QUICKLY..Charlie & Heather

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