Our Travel House

Our Travel House

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Camp#50 Luverne Mn, Camp#51 Riverbend CG Austin Mn.

Decided it was time for an update.
Since last blog we've moved twice. Our luck is holding out as far as weather is concerned. Seems the storms go North or South of us. We don't mind that at all. Had a few nite time rains, actually helps sleeping listening to the rain on the roof. The only time it gets bothersome is if it rocks the rig.
   Camp # 50 was from Aug 4th to 5th. Blue Mounds State Park in Luverne, Mn...Highlight's of the park is a river and a bison herd of about 100. We went looking for bison and only saw them off in the distance. They musta took the sign seriously.

Nice walking path down near the beach if ya don't mind the trolls!! ha ha ha.
   On Aug 6th we moved 170mls to Austin, Mn., Riverbend C.G...this is Camp #51. Nice in the woods camp next to a river. Been watching the bass jump every day. Gonna stay for a week so I'll bet there's some fishing in the plan. Weather folks are saying good weather. there's that good luck again.

   This type of camping is why we're lovin' our fulltimeing lifestyle!! It's sooo quiet here and little to no light pollution. Kinda off the beaten path, 8 mls to any town. All ya gotta do is plan it properly, get the groceries enrt and sit back & ENJOY! I think too many people plan on running around every day just so they can complain about how expensive life is!! Fees here are $125/wk, sure beats the afformentioned State Park, $62 for 2 days!!I'm beginning to think State Parks are overpricing themselves as they usually are not FHU's.
  Next move will be to Lanesboro, Mn. near our friends Terry & Ginger. Looking forward to seeing them.
   Til next time---REMEMBER, LIVE YOUR DREAMS AS TIME GOES BY QUICKLY!!Charlie &Heather.

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