Our Travel House

Our Travel House

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Camp#48 Three Flags RV Park, Black Hawk S.D.

  Sunday, July 28th the o6oo sun came shinin' in and we got up. Coffee hour was in full swing. Another reason we were up so early was it's movin' day again. Always a good reason to be geeked. Ya' never know what great adventure lies around the next bend in the road.
   We've found out by experience that Sundays are usually good travel days as the traffic is lighter, especially trucks. It also improves our luck getting into the next RV Park as most folks pull out early on Sunday. We very seldom make reservations and our luck has been good getting recamped on Sunday afternoon.
   All we had was a short jaunt 20ml down I-90. Hoping to get in a last visit with our friends, Dawn& Rob, in Rapid City before we start powerhouseing some eastbound miles next week.
  Very quickly we were recamped at Three Flags RV Park in Black Hawk, S.D.. for 4 days, this is a P.A. park (passport america) only $18/nite. FHU's (full hook ups). Nice roomy pull thru lots and manicured. With wi-fi.

Not bad ehh? Cable TV too.
 On  Monday, went for a road trip to Rapid City only 5 miles down I-90. Gassed up, shopped and back to camp.
  Got a plan to see our friends, Rob & Dawn, on the 1st, in the SW corner of Rapid City, S.D.. I think I found a boondocking spot just across the street from their house.

1 comment:

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