For those of you that wonder what the Camp #'s are for, it's how many campsites we've been in since we left Houghton Lake,Mi. last year when we started our fulltime travels. We left in Oct 2012 and now we're in our 11th month. Seems like yesterday when we said goodbye to all our Michigan friends.
We pulled out of camp this morning about 0930, ran a bit South about 15mls, to just inside the Iowa border to do some shopping (less taxes, considerably less) and then went to THE SPAM MUSEUM!!! Yes, they do have a Spam Museum. Honest!!!
It's free and does it's best to educate everyone visiting about all their products. They have a web site too ( ). Amazing how this American Company ( Hormel Foods) has prospered. Of course they make more than Spam. The mock up store there shows off all the 100's of items they produce with pride. They ship all over the world too.
We've been SPAMICIZED!! ha ha ha ha.
About 1430 we pulled into Eagle Cliff CG near Lanesboro,Mn. We had quite a lengthy detour to navigate but we did get to see a lot of nice country landscape in the process. Using this Passport America park to get caught up with laundry then on Friday we'll move to within Lanesboro at the city owned Sylvan Park for 3 days and visit our friends.
Been noticing the nights are getting cooler. Got down to 57F the last few nights and it required the electric heater in the early morning hours. If it keeps that up we'll start our treck Southbound. You do know we chase 75F !! Daytime is getting cooler too. After all the 80+ days we really do notice the change. Had to put on our light coats a few times this week.
Where to from here?? I don't know.
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