We've been reading a lot of blogs for 3 years and now find ourselves in the same situation that other travelers have been in. Having made up our minds to go fulltime this coming October we are positioning our lives to do without a stix & bricks home. This requires a lot of selling and distribution of the wealth of "stuff" that's tucked into every nook and cranny of our place. It's an amazing load of things. Seems that, we too, like most folks, have had a philosophy " if there's a space, let's fill it", LOL.
We've listed quite a few ads on Craigslist and on our local radio stations Swap Shop. It's been amazing how busy this had made our lives. Kinda reminds me of W O R K ! (that thing we used to do!) Got quite a storm going on this early morning. So bad it got me up at 4AM . Traveling today, heading to Lansing for the weekend to watch my daughter graduate from MSU. Gonna hit Mt Pleasant Casino enrt..You never know, might strike it rich!. Should be back Monday to continue the purge. It's supposed to rain for the next few days so we wouldn't get much done..Glad for the break too. We are looking forward to getting on the road again.. REMEMBER, LIVE YOUR DREAMS, AS LIFE GOES BY QUICKLY..Charlie & Heather
Well Good Luck in Mt Pleasant today :) and congrats to your daughter! So no Happy Hour for us but hey Rob will be home Monday so next week for sure sometime! Drive safe and see you both soon